Front-end developer specializing in React apps in Typescript
Technology used:
The process of filing the Slovak tax return form is an arduous ordeal. In its current shape, the user is facing a 130+ field form, described by bureaucratic language and with zero user guidance. Many small business owners choose to delegate this task to external accountants for a considerable fee.
Together with other volunteers and, we designed and developed a simplified wizard-like application called It covers the most common use cases with as little effort from the user as possible and calculates all necessary tax information for users to upload to the government web.
The user experience and accessibility was our focus, as we adhered to Design System.
Technology used:
OpenLab is a non-profit education project aiming to dramatically improve IT education in Slovakia by bridging the gap between high schools and the private sector.
My responsibilities include:
I was a part of a team developing (now moved to, a project that helps people to understand their finances better when finding and buying a new home.
My main focus was on the frontend (React, Redux, Typescript, Enzyme, Webpack, Storybook), but I also contributed to the backend (Node, Express, Swagger, Mocha, Sequelize).
I concentrated on bridging the gap between developers and designers, intending to make sure that we share systematic ways to guide and leverage our collective efforts. This lead to the development of our design system that helps us to stay consistent both in the designs and across the implementation.
Stack: React, Redux, Node, Express, Typescript, PostgreSQL, Elasticsearch, AWS
I was part of a small team building a new social network using Meteor and React as core technologies. The social network eventually became
Our team:
Stack: React, Meteor, MongoDB, Cucumber, Chimp
Using stickers with QR codes and NFC chips, eDocu brings you the right information on the spot. eDocu is a robust web application based on dockerized microservices using technologies like Node.js, Clojure and MongoDB on the backend and AngularJS on the frontend.
My responsibilities were:
Stack: AngularJS, Node, Express, MongoDB